How to Put LinkedIn on Your Resume: Showcase your Profile and Impress Employers

How to Put LinkedIn on Your Resume

An image to illustrate: how to put linkedin on resume
Learn how to put LinkedIn on your resume and boost your chances of landing your dream job. This article shows you how to customize your URL, choose a location and format, and optimize your profile/PHOTO: Facebook

LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform that connects professionals from various fields and industries.

It is also a great tool for job seekers, as it allows them to showcase their skills, achievements, and network.

But how do you put LinkedIn on your resume, and why should you do it?

In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with a complete guide on how to put LinkedIn on your resume.

We will also show you some examples and tips on how to make your LinkedIn profile and resume stand out.

Why Put LinkedIn on Your Resume?

Putting LinkedIn on your resume has many benefits, such as:

  • It shows that you are active and updated on your professional development and industry trends.
  • It gives the employer more information about you, beyond what is on your resume, such as your recommendations, endorsements, publications, and projects.
  • It demonstrates your brand and online presence, which are important in today’s digital world.
  • It allows the employer to contact you easily and directly, without having to go through other channels.
  • It increases your chances of being found by recruiters and hiring managers, who often use LinkedIn to source and screen candidates.

How to Customize Your LinkedIn URL?

Before you put LinkedIn on your resume, you need to customize your LinkedIn URL, which is the web address of your profile.

A customized URL is shorter, cleaner, and more professional than the default one, which contains random numbers and letters.

It also makes it easier for the employer to type and remember your profile link.

Here are the steps to customize your LinkedIn URL:

  • Log in to your LinkedIn account and click on your profile picture or the “Me” icon at the top right corner of the page.
  • Click on “View Profile” and then on “Edit public profile & URL” on the right side of the page.
  • Under “Edit your custom URL”, click on the pencil icon and delete the random numbers and letters at the end of the URL.
  • Type your name or a variation of it, using hyphens or periods to separate the words. For example, you can use “john-smith” or “john.smith”.
  • Click on “Save” and your URL will be updated.

Where to Put LinkedIn on Your Resume?

There are different places where you can put LinkedIn on your resume, depending on your preference and resume format.

Here are some common options:

  • Under your name and contact information, as part of your header. This is the most visible and convenient place to put LinkedIn on your resume, as it allows the employer to see your profile link at a glance.
  • In a separate section, such as “Social Media”, “Online Portfolio”, or “Additional Information”. This is a good option if you want to include other online platforms or links, such as your website, blog, or portfolio.
  • Next to relevant sections or entries, such as your education, work experience, or skills. This is a good option if you want to highlight specific aspects of your LinkedIn profile, such as your degree, certification, project, or endorsement.


LinkedIn is a valuable addition to your resume, as it can showcase your professional identity and achievements, and connect you with potential employers and opportunities.

To put LinkedIn on your resume, you need to customize your URL, choose a suitable location and format, and optimize your profile.

By following these steps, you can make your LinkedIn profile and resume stand out and impress the employer.


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