What Does 1st Mean on LinkedIn? Benefits Explained!

What Does 1st Mean on LinkedIn? A Complete Explanation

An image to illustrate 1st-degree connections on LinkedIn
1st-degree connections are the key to unlocking the potential of LinkedIn. In this article, we show you what 1st means on LinkedIn, and how to use 1st-degree connections to grow your network and opportunities/PHOTO: Files

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows you to connect with other members based on your industry, interests, skills, and goals.

However, not all connections are equal on LinkedIn.

Depending on how closely you are related to another member, you may see a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd icon next to their name.

What does 1st mean on LinkedIn, and why is it important?

In this article, we will answer these questions and more.

Also, learn How to Make 1st-degree Connections on LinkedIn.

What is a 1st-Degree Connection on LinkedIn?

A 1st-degree connection on LinkedIn is someone you are directly connected to because you have accepted their invitation to connect, or they have accepted yours.

You will see a 1st icon next to their name in search results and on their profile.

You can contact them by sending a message on LinkedIn, and you can also see their contact information, such as email and phone number if they have shared it with you.

What are the Benefits of Having 1st-degree Connections on LinkedIn?

Having 1st-degree connections on LinkedIn can offer you many benefits, such as:

Access to their network: You can see who your 1st-degree connections are connected to.

You can also request introductions or referrals from them to expand your network.

Visibility and credibility: Your 1st-degree connections can see your profile updates, posts, articles, and comments, and they can also endorse your skills, recommend you, or share your content with their network.

This can increase your visibility and credibility on LinkedIn, and help you build your brand.

Opportunities and insights: It can alert you to job openings, business opportunities, events, or industry news that may be relevant to you.

They can also provide you with valuable insights, feedback, or advice that can help you grow your career or business.


A 1st-degree connection on LinkedIn is someone you are directly connected to because you have accepted their invitation to connect, or they have accepted yours.

Having them can offer you many benefits, such as access to their network, visibility and credibility, and opportunities and insights.

By understanding what 1st means on LinkedIn, and how to make and leverage 1st-degree connections, you can grow your professional network and achieve your career or business goals.


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