Why Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator? Unleash the Power of Your Professional Network

Why use LinkedIn sales navigator?

An image illustration of a man navigating using a telescope
An image illustration of a man navigating using a telescope/PHOTO: Files

Finding and Connecting with Relevant Prospects on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, with over 750 million members and 55 million companies.

It is a great platform for salespeople to find and connect with potential customers, partners, and influencers.

However, it also comes with some challenges, such as:

  • Limited search capabilities: The regular LinkedIn platform only allows you to search for people based on basic criteria, such as name, location, current company, and industry.
  • Limited outreach options: The regular LinkedIn platform only allows you to send messages to people you are connected with or have a mutual connection with.
  • Limited insights and alerts: The regular LinkedIn platform only shows you basic information about your prospects, such as their profile, activity, and connections.

These limitations make it hard for salespeople to find and connect with the right prospects, at the right time, with the right message.

This leads to wasted time, low response rates, and missed opportunities.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a dedicated platform designed specifically for sales professionals.

It offers a range of features and functionalities that help you overcome the challenges of the regular LinkedIn platform, such as:

  1. Provides Advanced Search: This feature allows you to perform unlimited searches on LinkedIn, using deep-dive filters that let you target your ideal prospects based on various criteria, such as job title, company, industry, geography, relationship, company size, and more.
  2. It gives Lead Recommendations: This feature provides you with personalized suggestions for potential leads based on your saved searches and activities. This helps you discover new opportunities and expand your network.
  3. Social Selling Insights: This feature gives you valuable information on your prospect’s activity, company updates, and buying signals This helps you understand their needs, interests, and challenges, and tailor your approach accordingly.
  4. Offers Real-time Alerts: This feature keeps you informed about key changes in your target accounts, such as job changes, company news, funding announcements, and more. You can also set up custom alerts based on your preferences, such as when a prospect changes their job title when a company hires a new executive, or when a company reaches a certain revenue milestone. This helps you stay on top of your prospects and reach out to them at the right moment.
  5. InMail Access: This feature allows you to send personalized messages to anyone on LinkedIn, even without connections. You get 20 InMail credits per month, which you can use to start conversations with your prospects, introduce yourself, offer value, and request a meeting. You can also track the delivery and response rate of your InMails, and optimize your messaging accordingly.

The Benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator

An infographic of the Benefits of Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator
An infographic of the Benefits of Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator can have a significant impact on your sales performance and results, such as:

Increased lead generation: With Sales Navigator, you can find more qualified leads that match your ideal customer profile, and reach out to them with personalized messages that resonate with them.

According to LinkedIn, Sales Navigator users see a 35% increase in the number of opportunities created, and a 45% increase in the number of decision-makers reached.

Improved conversion rates: With Sales Navigator, you can nurture your leads with relevant and timely insights, and build trust and rapport with them.

You can also leverage your network and get warm introductions from your connections, which can boost your response rates and influence.

According to LinkedIn, Sales Navigator users see a 33% increase in the win rate of their opportunities and a 51% increase in the likelihood of achieving quota.

Shortened sales cycles: With Sales Navigator, you can accelerate your sales cycles by engaging with your prospects at the right time, with the right message, and with the right value proposition.

You can also multithread your deals by connecting with multiple decision-makers and influencers within your target accounts, and avoid losing deals to competitors or the status quo.

According to LinkedIn, Sales Navigator users see an 18% decrease in the length of their sales cycles and a 25% increase in the average deal size.


LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a valuable tool for sales professionals who want to find and connect with relevant prospects and generate more sales opportunities and revenue.

It offers a range of features and functionalities that help you overcome the limitations of the regular LinkedIn platform, and improve your sales performance and results.

It also helps you develop the habits of top performers, such as prioritizing accounts, getting warm introductions, using key signals, and staying informed.


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