How to Post a Job on LinkedIn Anonymously: Limitations and Alternatives

An image illustrating How to Post a Job on LinkedIn Anonymously
How to Post a Job on LinkedIn Anonymously/PHOTO: Files

Anonymous job postings on LinkedIn involve hiding the identity of the hiring company when advertising job openings.

People may choose anonymity to keep competitive strategies secret or for confidential roles.

It also safeguards personal privacy and reduces unwanted attention.

However, anonymous postings may lack company branding and transparency, making candidates hesitant to apply.

Candidates might overlook suitable positions without knowing the company’s culture or values.

In essence, while anonymous postings offer privacy advantages, they can hinder candidate trust and engagement due to limited information about the hiring company.

Can You Truly Post Anonymously on LinkedIn?

Posting a job anonymously on LinkedIn may seem like a straightforward task.

However, due to platform restrictions, achieving true anonymity can be challenging.

LinkedIn requires job posters to provide company details, making it difficult to completely conceal your identity.

However, there are methods to enhance privacy while posting a job on the platform.

How to Post a Job on LinkedIn Anonymously

Hiding Your Profile vs. Hiding Company Details

When posting a job on LinkedIn, you have the option to hide your profile from being associated with the job post.

This means that your personal information, including your name and profile picture, will not be visible to candidates viewing the job listing.

While this protects your privacy, it does not conceal the identity of your company.

On the other hand, hiding company details involves concealing the name and information of the hiring organization.

This can be achieved by creating a job post associated with a generic or anonymous company profile on LinkedIn.

However, this method comes with risks, as LinkedIn may impose restrictions on job posts and profiles that lack sufficient information.

Alternatives to Anonymity

When you need to keep your job posting private, there are other ways to do it:

  1. Use a Hiring Company: You can ask a company that finds people for jobs to help you. They can keep things secret until you’re ready to reveal more.
  2. Make a New Company Page for Hiring: You can make a special page just for hiring people. This helps keep your main company info private while still looking for new workers.

Considerations for Anonymous Posting

When you don’t want to tell people who you are right away, it’s important to remember:

  1. Write a Good Job Description: Even if you’re not saying who you are, make sure to describe the job well. Tell people what they’ll do and what skills they need. This makes them interested, even without knowing your company.
  2. Why Not Sharing Your Company Culture Can Be Tricky: While keeping things secret is important, not telling people about your company culture can be tough. People want to work where they feel comfortable. Without knowing about your company, they might not want to apply.

Carefully consider alternative approaches and maintain a focus on crafting compelling job descriptions.

This way companies can effectively navigate anonymous job postings while still attracting top talent.


Going fully anonymous on LinkedIn isn’t quite possible, but there are ways to keep your profile hidden from job postings.

A great job description is key to attracting top talent, even if they can’t see your company right away.

Be clear about the role and what you offer, and you’ll still find the perfect person for the job.


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