How to Add LinkedIn to Outlook: A Guide for Better Networking

An image illustrating: How to Add LinkedIn to Outlook
How to Add LinkedIn to Outlook/PHOTO: Files

LinkedIn and Outlook are essential tools for professionals, each serving different needs.

LinkedIn is a networking platform where you can create a profile to:

  • Show your work history, education, and skills
  • Connect with colleagues and potential employers
  • Join groups based on your interests

You can also find job listings and share updates on your personalized newsfeed.

On the other hand, Outlook is an email and calendar app used for communication in workplaces.

It allows you to:

  • Send and receive emails
  • Organize messages
  • Schedule meetings and events
  • Manage contacts
  • Keep track of tasks with to-do lists

Connecting LinkedIn to Outlook offers several benefits.

It makes networking easier by letting you access your LinkedIn contacts directly within your email, helping you see colleagues’ profiles and shared connections.

This can strengthen relationships and improve communication.

You get contextual insights about colleagues, making collaboration more effective.

Additionally, showcasing your LinkedIn profile in Outlook can highlight your skills and build credibility.

This integration also streamlines communication by keeping everything in one place, with suggested contacts making it easier to connect with relevant people.

How to Add LinkedIn to Outlook


Before connecting your LinkedIn and Outlook accounts, there are a few requirements you should be aware of:

  • Microsoft Account
  • LinkedIn Profile
How to Add LinkedIn to Outlook

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Access Outlook

Log in to your Outlook account.

2. Navigate to Options

Click on the “File” icon located at the upper left corner of the screen.

From the drop-down menu, select “Options.”

3. Open Add-Ins

In the “Options” window, click on “Add-Ins” from the left-hand side menu.

4. Manage COM Add-Ins

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Manage COM Add-Ins.

5. Enable LinkedIn Connector

Click on the “Go” button next to “COM Add-Ins.

Check the box next to “LinkedIn Outlook Connector” and click “OK.”

6. Sign in to LinkedIn

A new window will appear, prompting you to sign in to your LinkedIn account.

Enter your LinkedIn email and password, then click “Allow Access.”

7. Choose LinkedIn Features

Once logged in, select the LinkedIn features you want to use in Outlook.

Click “OK” to confirm your selection.

8. Confirmation

Your Outlook account is now connected to your LinkedIn account.

You should now be able to see LinkedIn information in Outlook, such as profile pictures, job titles, and connections.

Alternatively, you can connect your accounts through the desktop app by accessing the settings menu and selecting the option to integrate LinkedIn.


If you encounter any login errors or permission issues during the process:

  • Ensure you use the correct login credentials for your Outlook and LinkedIn accounts.
  • Check the settings of your accounts to ensure that they allow for integration.

For further assistance, refer to Microsoft or LinkedIn support resources for troubleshooting tips and solutions.


Connecting LinkedIn with Outlook makes your work life better.

It gives useful information, helps you work well with others, and makes communication easier.

Whether you’re talking to coworkers, clients, or industry contacts, this connection helps you build strong relationships and stay up-to-date.


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