Why LinkedIn is Bad: Unveiling the Dark Side of LinkedIn

An image illustrating Why LinkedIn is Bad
Why LinkedIn is Bad/PHOTO: Files

LinkedIn has become an integral part of the professional landscape.

It boasts over 900 million users worldwide.

It’s a platform where individuals showcase their skills, connect with peers, and explore career opportunities.

Whether you’re a recent graduate or a skilled professional, chances are you’ve encountered it at some point.

However, beneath its illusion of professionalism lies a darker side.

LinkedIn can exert negative influences on its users by:

So, why exactly is LinkedIn ‘not all that?’ Let’s get into it and find out.

Why LinkedIn is Bad.

1. Inauthenticity and Exaggeration

LinkedIn can make people create a fake, perfect image of themselves.

A lot of users feel they have to lie about what they’ve done or can do to meet what others expect at work.

A study shows that more than one-third of its users say they’ve lied on their profiles.

People might make their job titles or education sound better than they are to impress employers.

This lying can make trust go away.

It makes people feel like they’re not good enough when they see others’ exaggerated profiles.

2. Toxic Positivity

The site also focuses a lot on sharing success stories.

This can make people feel bad if they haven’t done the same things.

LinkedIn wants to be a place for growing professionally.

However, seeing all these perfect stories can make people feel worse, especially if they’re struggling.

I once had a student tell me that looking at LinkedIn makes him feel like he’s not doing as well as others.

The site doesn’t really show the hard times people have at work, only the good times, which isn’t realistic.

3. Excessive Networking Pressure

LinkedIn also pushes people to make as many business contacts as possible.

This doesn’t take into account whether they’re real friends or useful contacts.

It’s all about having a long list of names, not meaningful relationships.

This can make networking feel fake and not very helpful.

Plus, having to keep up with so many contacts can make people feel stressed and like they’re not doing as well as others.

4. Data Privacy Concerns

There are worries about how LinkedIn uses the personal information of its users.

The site makes money from this data and uses people’s connections to earn more.

Users might not know how much their information is used for ads and other paid content.

Because it lets you connect with so many people, it can also be risky for your privacy.

Not knowing how your data is used can make you trust the site less.

It also brings up questions about whether it’s right for LinkedIn to use your data this way.


Some people might argue that LinkedIn is still useful for making business connections and finding jobs.

But the problems it causes, like making people feel they have to lie, always be positive, and make too many contacts, can hurt their mental health and happiness at work.

The way it handles private data is also a big concern.

Even though it can help you connect and move forward in your career, these issues are important to think about and maybe look for other ways to network.


In the age of professional online platforms, LinkedIn reigns supreme.

But, it’s not all good.

Even though LinkedIn helps people connect and grow their careers, it can also make them act fake, feel forced, and get discouraged.

If we understand this bad side, we can use it better and focus on making real work friends.

This doesn’t mean it can’t be good.

It just means we should be smart about how we use it.

Real-life work is more than just what we see online, and building true friendships and good contacts might be better for us in the end.

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