What Do You Need to Post on LinkedIn?

What to post on LinkedIn

An image illustration of what to post on LinkedIn
An image illustration of what to post on LinkedIn/PHOTO: Files

Are you finding it challenging to make a distinct impression on LinkedIn? Are you uncertain about what type of content to share on this professional platform? If so, you’re not alone. Many individuals struggle to create compelling content that highlights their expertise and expands their network.

LinkedIn goes beyond being a digital resume; it’s a potent tool for connecting with like-minded professionals, potential employers, industry influencers, and prospective clients.

To effectively utilize LinkedIn, you must generate content that resonates with your audience and showcases your value.

But how can you achieve this? What type of content should you share on LinkedIn? How can you create posts that capture attention and encourage engagement? How do you sustain consistency and relevance in your content strategy?

After careful research, I present these valuable tips and a variety of content ideas to help you address these questions and more.

Understand Your Audience

You have to ask yourself these questions first:

  • Who are you trying to reach with your content?
  • What are their interests, needs, challenges, and goals?
  • What kind of content do they prefer and respond to?

This will enable you to create content that speaks to their pain points, offers solutions, provides value, and inspires action.

You can do this by:

  • Analyzing your existing connections and followers.
  • Research your target audience.
  • Asking your audience.
What to post on LinkedIn

Content Pillars

These are the categories of content that you want to be known for and associated with.

You can define them by:

  1. Identifying your niche. The specific area or domain that you want to specialize in.
  2. Aligning your goals. The objectives or outcomes that you want to achieve with your content.
  3. Assessing your strengths.The skills, talents, or experiences that you have or want to develop.

Creating Engaging Content Ideas

These are the specific topics, formats, or types of content that you want to create and share on LinkedIn.

You can use these ideas to generate them:

  • Brainstorming. Use techniques such as mind mapping, word association, or question prompts to generate as many content ideas as possible.
  • Researching. Use sources such as LinkedIn, Google, Quora, or industry publications to find out what kind of content is popular, trending, or relevant in your niche or industry.
  • Curating. Use tools such as Feedly, Pocket, or Evernote to collect and organize content that you find interesting, valuable, or relevant to your niche or industry.

To create engaging content for LinkedIn, you can use different formats, such as text, images, videos, or a combination of them.

How to Craft Appealing Posts

To craft appealing posts, you need to pay attention to three main elements: the headline, the introduction, and the conclusion.

To craft compelling headlines, introductions, and conclusions, consider the following tips:

  • Headlines

The headline serves as the initial point of engagement for your audience, acting as a hook to encourage clicks.

Ensure clarity, conciseness, and catchiness, incorporating keywords, numbers, or questions that resonate with your audience.

Utilize emotional triggers like curiosity, urgency, or fear.

Example: “How I Achieved a 300% Increase in LinkedIn Engagement in 30 Days.”

  • Introductions

The introduction, positioned between the headline and body, plays a crucial role in maintaining reader interest.

Start with a compelling opening sentence, link it to the headline, and provide context or a problem statement.

Preview the main points, benefits, or solutions to establish credibility and persuade readers to continue.

Example: “Ever wondered how some individuals garner thousands of likes on their posts? Uncover the secrets to skyrocketing social media engagement.”

These strategies aim to captivate your audience from the start and enhance the overall impact of your content.


Ensure you are posting regularly to maintain visibility and engagement.

Also, always respond to comments and participate in discussions to build connections.


By following these tips and being open to trying, you can convert your LinkedIn profile from a stagnant resume to an interactive centre of engagement.

The key is not just frequent posting, but consistently providing valuable and compelling content that connects with your audience.

Share your distinct voice, highlight your expertise, and initiate meaningful discussions.


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