How to Repost on LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Repost on LinkedIn

An Infographic Illustrating: How to Repost on LinkedIn
An Infographic Illustrating: How to Repost on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows you to connect with other professionals, share your insights, and showcase your achievements.

But sometimes, you may come across a post that you want to share with your network, either to show your appreciation, add your perspective, or increase your visibility.

This is where reposting on LinkedIn comes in handy.

Reposting on LinkedIn is a way of sharing someone else’s post on your profile or page, with or without adding your comment or opinion.

In this article, we will show you how to repost on LinkedIn, from desktop and mobile devices, as well as from a LinkedIn page.

How to Repost on LinkedIn

Reposting on LinkedIn is easy and simple, and you can do it in a few clicks or taps.

You can either repost from a Desktop or a Mobile.

Here are the steps to follow for each case:

  • How to Repost on LinkedIn from Desktop

If you are using LinkedIn from a desktop computer or laptop, you can follow these steps to repost on LinkedIn:

  1. Find the post that you want to repost on LinkedIn. You can use the search bar at the top of the page, or scroll through your feed, groups, or pages.
  2. Click on the Share button at the bottom of the post. A pop-up window will appear, where you can choose how you want to share the post.
  3. You can either share the post as it is or add your comment or opinion. To add your comment, type it in the text box above the post preview. You can also mention other people or pages by typing @ followed by their name, or add hashtags by typing # followed by a relevant word or phrase.
  4. You can also choose who can see your repost, by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the Share button. You can select from the following options: Anyone, Connections only, Specific people, or Anyone + Twitter (if you have connected your Twitter account to your LinkedIn account).
  5. Once you are done, click on the Post button to publish your repost. Your repost will appear on your profile or page and the feed of your network or audience.
  • How to Repost on LinkedIn from Mobile

If you are using LinkedIn from a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, you can follow these steps to repost on LinkedIn:

  1. Find the post that you want to repost on LinkedIn. You can use the search icon at the bottom of the screen, or swipe through your feed, groups, or pages.
  2. Tap on the Share button at the bottom of the post. A pop-up window will appear, where you can choose how you want to share the post.
  3. You can either share the post as it is or add your comment or opinion. To add your comment, type it in the text box above the post preview. You can also mention other people or pages by typing @ followed by their name, or add hashtags by typing # followed by a relevant word or phrase.
  4. You can also choose who can see your repost, by tapping on the dropdown menu next to the Share button. You can select from the following options: Anyone, Connections only, Specific people, or Anyone + Twitter (if you have connected your Twitter account to your LinkedIn account).
  5. Once you are done, tap on the Post button to publish your repost. Your repost will appear on your profile or page and the feed of your network or audience.

How to Repost a LinkedIn Page Post

If you are an admin or a member of a LinkedIn page, you can also repost a post from that page on your profile or page.

This can help you promote your page, increase your reach, and engage your followers. To repost a LinkedIn page post, you can follow these steps:

  1. Find the post that you want to repost from the LinkedIn page.
  2. Click or tap on the Share button at the bottom of the post. A pop-up window will appear, where you can choose how you want to share the post.
  3. You can either share the post as it is or add your comment or opinion. To add your comment, type it in the text box above the post preview. You can also mention other people or pages by typing @ followed by their name, or add hashtags by typing # followed by a relevant word or phrase.
  4. You can also choose who can see your repost, by clicking or tapping on the dropdown menu next to the Share button. You can select from the following options: Anyone, Connections only, Specific people, or Anyone + Twitter (if you have connected your Twitter account to your LinkedIn account).
  5. You can also choose whether you want to share the post as yourself, or as the page. To share the post as yourself, click or tap on the Me icon next to the Share button. To share the post as the page, click or tap on the Page icon next to the Share button.
  6. Once you are done, click or tap on the Post button to publish your repost.

Your repost will appear on your profile or page and the feed of your network or audience.

Drawbacks of Reposting on LinkedIn

Reposting on LinkedIn can be a useful and effective way of sharing valuable content with your network or audience, as well as showing your appreciation or support for someone else’s content.

However, reposting on LinkedIn should be done with caution and moderation, as it can also have some drawbacks, such as:

  • Reposting too much or too often can annoy or bore your followers, and make you look like a spammer or a copycat.
  • Reposting without adding your comment or opinion can make you look lazy or unoriginal, and reduce your credibility and authority.
  • Reposting without giving proper credit or attribution can make you look dishonest or disrespectful, and violate the intellectual property rights of the original poster.


Reposting on LinkedIn is a way of sharing someone else’s post on your profile or page, with or without adding your comment or opinion.

It can help you show your appreciation or support for someone else’s content, add your perspective or insight to someone else’s content, increase your visibility and reach on LinkedIn, build your network and relationships on LinkedIn, and showcase your expertise and authority on LinkedIn.


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