How to Add Volunteer Experience to LinkedIn: A Guide for Entertainment Professionals

How to Add Volunteer Experience to LinkedIn Infographic
How to Add Volunteer Experience to LinkedIn Infographic

If you’re an entertainment professional, you know how competitive the industry can be.

You need to stand out from the crowd and showcase your skills, personality, and passion.

One of the best ways to do that is by adding volunteer experience to your LinkedIn profile.

Volunteer experience can help you boost your credibility, expand your network, and demonstrate your values.

It can also show potential employers that you’re not just in it for the fame and money, but that you care about making a positive impact on the world.

But how do you add volunteer experience to LinkedIn?

This article answers just that.

How to Add Volunteer Experience to Your LinkedIn Profile

Adding volunteer experience to your LinkedIn profile is easy and quick.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Log into your LinkedIn account and click on the “Add profile section” button located in your bio.
  • In the pop-up, click on “Additional” and then “Add volunteer experience”.
  • Fill in the form with the name of the organization, your role, the dates, and a brief description of your volunteer work. You can also add a link to the organization’s website or a relevant project you worked on.
  • Click on “Save” and you’re done!

You can add as many volunteer experiences as you want, but make sure they’re relevant and recent.

You don’t want to clutter your profile with outdated or unrelated volunteer work.

How to Write a Compelling Description for Your Volunteer Experience

The description of your volunteer experience is the most important part of your LinkedIn profile.

It’s where you can showcase your achievements, impact, and personality.

Here are some tips on how to write a compelling description for your volunteer experience:

  • Use action verbs and numbers to highlight your accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “Volunteered for a theatre company”, say “Directed and produced a play that raised $10,000 for a local charity”.
  • Use keywords and phrases that are relevant to your industry and target audience. For example, instead of saying “Volunteered for a literacy program”, says “Taught creative writing to underprivileged children and helped them publish their stories online”.
  • Use storytelling and emotion to engage your readers and show your passion. For example, instead of saying “Volunteered for a wildlife sanctuary”, say “Rescued and rehabilitated injured animals and released them back into the wild”.


Volunteer experience is a valuable asset for any entertainment professional.

It can help you enhance your skills, expand your network, and express your values.

It can also help you impress potential employers and land your dream job.

But to make the most of your volunteer experience, you need to add it to your LinkedIn profile strategically and effectively.

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