How to Delete Resume from LinkedIn Using Two Easy Methods

How to Delete a Resume from LinkedIn

An infographic of the Steps of how to delete resume from LinkedIn
An infographic of the Steps of how to delete a resume from LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, with over 700 million members and 55 million companies.

It’s a great platform to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements, and to connect with potential employers, clients, and partners.

But what if you want to delete your resume from LinkedIn?

Maybe you have an outdated or messy resume that you don’t want anyone to see, or maybe you want to upload a new and improved version that reflects your current career goals.

Whatever the reason, deleting your resume from LinkedIn is not as straightforward as you might think.

In this article, we will show you how to delete a resume from LinkedIn using two easy methods.

Deleting Resumes from Your Profile

The first method of deleting resumes from LinkedIn is to do it from your profile page.

This is where you can manage the resumes that you have uploaded to your profile, and that are visible to anyone who views your profile.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and click on the “Me” icon at the top of the page. This will open a dropdown menu.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select “View profile” to navigate to your profile page.
  3. On your profile page, locate the “More” button, which is positioned below your profile picture. Click on “More” to reveal additional options.
  4. Among the options that appear, click on “Build a resume”. This will open a new window displaying the resumes associated with your profile.
  5. In the resume window, identify the resume you wish to delete. Once located, click on the three dots (…) located next to it. This will prompt a small menu with various options.
  6. From the menu, click on “Delete” to initiate the deletion process.
  7. Confirm your action by clicking on “Delete” again when prompted. This will permanently remove the selected resume from your LinkedIn profile.

It’s important to note that LinkedIn retains up to four resumes in the history section of your profile.

By deleting old or unwanted resumes, you can make room for new and improved versions that better align with your current career goals and job search efforts.

Deleting Resumes from Settings

The second method of deleting resumes from LinkedIn is to do it from your account settings.

This is where you can manage the resumes that you have used to apply for jobs on LinkedIn, and that are stored in your application settings.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and click on the “Jobs” button at the bottom-right corner of the screen. This will take you to the job-related settings.
  2. In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the three dots (…) to access additional options. From the menu that appears, select “Application settings”. This will bring you to a new page where you can manage your application settings.
  3. On this page, locate the resume you want to delete and tap on the three dots (…) next to it. This will open a menu with various options.
  4. From the options, tap on “Delete” to remove the selected resume from your LinkedIn profile permanently.

You can also delete all your resumes at once by tapping on the “Delete all” button at the bottom of the page.

However, this will also delete any cover letters or other documents that you have uploaded to your application settings, so be careful before you do this.


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for building your professional brand and finding new opportunities.

However, it also requires you to keep your profile and resume updated and relevant.

If you have an old or messy resume that you want to delete from LinkedIn, you can use either of the two methods that we have explained in this article.

By doing this, you can ensure that your LinkedIn profile and resume are always in sync and showcase your best self.

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