Can You Block Someone on LinkedIn? How and Why to Do It

Can You Block Someone on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows you to connect with other professionals, showcase your skills and achievements, and discover new opportunities.

An image to Illustrate: can you block someone on linkedin
Blocking someone on LinkedIn can help you protect your professional network and personal well-being. This article will show you the steps, reasons, and consequences of blocking someone on LinkedIn/PHOTO COURTESY: Microsoft Designer

However, sometimes you may encounter someone on LinkedIn who is harassing, spamming, or otherwise bothering you.

In such cases, you may wonder: can you block someone on LinkedIn? The answer is yes, you can.

In this article, we will explain how and why to block someone on LinkedIn, and what happens when you do so.

Learn  How to Block Someone on LinkedIn here.

Why to Block Someone on LinkedIn

There are many reasons why you may want to block someone on LinkedIn.

Some of the common ones are:

  1. You are receiving unwanted or harassing messages, invitations, or endorsements from them.
  2. You are being spammed or scammed by them, or they are trying to sell you something you are not interested in.
  3. You have a personal or professional conflict with them, and you do not want them to see your profile, activity, or updates.
  4. You are concerned about your privacy or security, and you do not want them to access your information, contacts, or network.

What Happens When You Block Someone on LinkedIn

When you block someone on LinkedIn, the following things happen:

  • You and the blocked person will no longer be able to see each other’s profiles, posts, comments, messages, or endorsements.
  • You and the blocked person will no longer be connected or follow each other, and any recommendations or endorsements you have given or received from each other will be removed.
  • You and the blocked person will not be able to join or interact in the same groups, events, or pages on LinkedIn.
  • You and the blocked person will not be able to mention or tag each other on LinkedIn.
  • You and the blocked person will not be notified of any mutual activity or connections on LinkedIn.

However, blocking someone on LinkedIn does not guarantee complete anonymity or invisibility.

There are some limitations and exceptions to blocking, such as:

  • Blocking someone on LinkedIn does not affect your interactions with them on other platforms, such as email, phone, or other social media.
  • It does not prevent them from seeing your public profile, if you have one, or your profile information that is visible to search engines or third-party services.
  • It does not stop them from viewing your profile or activity through a shared connection, a group, an event, or a page, if you have not adjusted your privacy settings accordingly.
  • It also does not remove any existing messages, comments, or posts that you and the blocked person have exchanged before blocking.


Blocking someone on LinkedIn is a useful feature that can help you protect your professional reputation, network, and personal well-being.

It can also help you avoid unwanted or unpleasant interactions with someone who is bothering you on LinkedIn.

However, blocking someone on LinkedIn is not a foolproof solution, and you should also be aware of the limitations and consequences of blocking.

We hope this article has helped you understand how and why to block someone on LinkedIn, and what happens when you do so.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.


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