Does LinkedIn Have Read Receipts? Everything You Need to Know

Does LinkedIn Have Read Receipts?

LinkedIn is a popular social networking platform for professionals, where you can connect with people, share your work, and find new opportunities.

An image to Illustrate: does linkedin have read receipts
Whether you love them or hate them, LinkedIn read receipts are here to stay. This article will teach you how they work, how to turn them on or off, and how to communicate better with them/PHOTO COURTESY: Freepik

But have you ever wondered if LinkedIn has read receipts and what they mean for your communication?

Read receipts are indicators that show whether your message has been seen by the recipient.

They can be useful for knowing if someone is interested in your offer or if they are too busy to reply.

However, they can also cause some awkwardness or pressure, especially if you are expecting a response.

In this article, we will answer the question “Does LinkedIn have read receipts?” and explain how they work, how to turn them on or off, and how to deal with them effectively.

How Do LinkedIn Read Receipts Work?

LinkedIn read receipts are similar to those on other messaging apps, such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

They appear as small icons at the bottom of your chat window, next to the timestamp of your message.

There are three types of icons that indicate the status of your message:

  • A gray check mark means that your message has been sent but not delivered to the recipient’s device.
  • A grey double-check mark means that your message has been delivered but not seen by the recipient.
  • A blue double check mark means that your message has been seen by the recipient.

You can also see the name and profile picture of the person who read your message if you are in a group chat.

How do I turn LinkedIn Read Receipts on or off?

LinkedIn read receipts are enabled by default, but you can turn them on or off at any time.

To do so, follow these steps:

  • Go to your LinkedIn profile and click on the “Me” icon at the top right corner of the page.
  • Select “Settings & Privacy” from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the “Communications” tab on the left side of the page.
  • Under the “Messaging” section, click on the “Change” button next to “Read receipts and typing indicators.”
  • Toggle the switch to turn read receipts on or off.

Note that if you turn off reading receipts, you will also stop seeing them from other people.

This means that you won’t know if someone has read your message, and they won’t know if you have read theirs.

How to deal with LinkedIn Read receipts effectively.

LinkedIn read receipts can be helpful or harmful, depending on how you use them.

Here are some tips on how to deal with them effectively:

  • Don’t rely on reading receipts to gauge someone’s interest. Just because someone has read your message, it doesn’t mean that they are interested in your offer or that they will reply soon. There could be many reasons why they haven’t responded yet, such as being busy, distracted, or unsure. Instead of waiting for a reply, follow up with a polite and relevant message after a reasonable period of time.
  • Don’t feel pressured to reply immediately. Just because someone knows that you have read their message doesn’t mean that you have to reply right away. You have the right to take your time and think about your response, or to ignore the message altogether if you are not interested. However, if you do want to reply, try to do so within a reasonable period of time to avoid leaving the other person hanging.
  • Don’t take receipts personally. Just because someone hasn’t read your message, it doesn’t mean that they are ignoring you or that they don’t care about you. There could be many reasons why they haven’t seen your message yet, such as being offline, having a poor connection, or having too many messages to deal with. Instead of getting upset or anxious, give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for them to get back to you.


LinkedIn read receipts are indicators that show whether your message has been seen by the recipient.

They can be useful for knowing if someone is interested in your offer or if they are too busy to reply.

However, they can also cause some awkwardness or pressure, especially if you are expecting a response.

You can turn reading receipts on or off at any time by going to your settings and privacy.

We hope that this article has answered your question, “Does LinkedIn have read receipts?” and helped you to communicate better on LinkedIn.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below.

Thank you for reading!


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