2 Methods on How to Add Certificate on LinkedIn

How to Add Certificate on LinkedIn

An infographic of the steps of How to Add Certificate on LinkedIn
An infographic of the steps of How to Add a Certificate on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for showcasing your professional skills and achievements.

One of the ways to enhance your profile and stand out from the crowd is to add certificates that you have earned from various courses, programs, or organizations.

Certificates can demonstrate your knowledge, expertise, and credibility in your field.

They can also help you attract more recruiters, employers, and clients.

In this article, we will show you how to add a certificate on LinkedIn using different methods and tips.

What is a LinkedIn Certificate?

A LinkedIn certificate is a digital badge that you can display on your profile to verify that you have completed a certain course, program, or certification.

It can be issued by LinkedIn itself, such as LinkedIn Learning, or by a third-party provider, such as Coursera, Udemy, or Microsoft.

The certificate can include information such as the name of the course, the name of the provider, the date of completion, and a link to the certificate.

Why Add Certificates to Your LinkedIn Profile?

It can have many benefits for your career and personal brand.

Here are some of the reasons why you should add certificates to your LinkedIn profile:

You can showcase your skills and achievements visually and credibly.

Certificates can add value and credibility to your profile, as they can prove that you have acquired the skills and knowledge that you claim to have.

They can also show that you are committed to learning and improving yourself.

Increasing your visibility and discoverability on LinkedIn.

Certificates can help you optimize your profile for search engines and keywords, as they can include relevant terms and phrases that match your industry and role.

They can also help you appear in more search results and recommendations, as they can signal to LinkedIn’s algorithm that you have high-quality and relevant content on your profile.

You can expand your network and opportunities on LinkedIn.

Certificates can help you connect with other professionals who have similar interests and goals, as they can indicate your affiliation and involvement with certain providers and organizations.

They can also help you attract more attention and engagement from your existing connections, as they can trigger notifications and updates on your profile.

They also help you impress and influence potential employers, clients, and partners, as they can demonstrate your value and potential.

How to Add Certificate on LinkedIn

There are different ways to add a certificate on LinkedIn, depending on the source and type of the certificate.

Some of the most common methods and steps to add a certificate on LinkedIn are:

1: Adding a LinkedIn Learning Certificate

When you complete a course or a learning path on LinkedIn Learning, you can earn a certificate that you can add to your profile.

To add a LinkedIn Learning certificate to your profile, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to LinkedIn Learning.
  2. Click on Me in the top right corner and select Learning History from the dropdown menu.
  3. Find the course or the learning path that you have completed and click on More next to the title.
  4. Select Add to Profile from the menu. A pop-up window will appear with the details of the certificate.
  5. Check the box that says Share with the network if you want to post an update about your certificate on your feed. You can also choose who can see your update by clicking on the Share with dropdown and selecting Public, Connections, or Individuals.
  6. Click on Add to Profile to confirm. The certificate will be added to your profile under the Licenses & Certifications section. You can also access the certificate by clicking on View certificate in the pop-up window.

2: Adding a Third-Party Certificate

If you have earned a certificate from a third-party provider, such as Coursera, Udemy, or Microsoft, you can also add it to your profile manually.

However, you need to make sure that you have permission and proof of the certificate, such as a link, an ID, or a PDF file.

To add a third-party certificate to your profile, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to your profile page.
  2. Click on the Add Profile section below your profile photo and headline.
  3. Click on Recommended and select Add Licenses & certifications from the menu. A pop-up window will appear with the fields to fill in.
  4. Enter the name of the certificate, such as Google Analytics Individual Qualification.
  5. Enter the name of the provider, such as Google.
  6. Enter the issue date and the expiration date of the certificate, if applicable. You can also check the box that says This credential does not expire if the certificate is valid indefinitely.
  7. Enter the credential ID of the certificate, if applicable. This is a unique code that identifies your certificate and can be verified by the provider.
  8. Enter the credential URL of the certificate, if applicable. This is a link that leads to the certificate page or file and can be viewed by others.
  9. Click on Save to confirm. The certificate will be added to your profile under the Licenses & Certifications section. You can also access the certificate by clicking on See credential in the pop-up window.


Adding certificates on LinkedIn is a smart and effective way to boost your profile and your career.

Certificates can show your skills and achievements visually and credibly.

They can also help you optimize your profile for search engines and keywords, expand your network and opportunities, and impress and influence potential employers, clients, and partners.

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